This website is a work in progress. We have over 100 years to add to the site. We have access to the Furst-McNess Company’s archives and continue to add to our collection of historical finds. So come back often, we’ll be adding more pictures, more products, and more stories to go with them as time goes on.
The section on “The McNess Man” has its own picture gallery.
And if you have a story to share, please contact us! We are going to be adding a section on past salespeople, so if you or someone you know used to sell McNess products, please let us know!
For now, here are some pictures from our collection and the archives.
McNess Krestol Salve ad McNess Mentholated Ointment tins Advertisement in Popular Science for salesmen McNess Shaving brush and razors Postcard of the Furst-McNess Sunlight Laboratory, built in 1919 McNess Humpty Dumpty Talc and Baby Powder Brochure of Edith Moore, the Champion Cake Baker. (Where the Champion line of extracts gets its name!) A very old F.W. McNess talcum tin Frank Furst in his office in 1913. Various McNess seasonings and spices. Early Champion Cake Baker flyer for McNess Vanilla. F.W. McNess Krestol Salve tin McNess Summer Drinks flyer Early F.W. McNess Cinnamon tin The McNess Doctor on the Shelf McNess Rejois compact. McNess Fly Chaser flyer McNess Vel-vette talcum McNess Pain Oil early ad McNess Re Jois Perfume The F.W. McNess Sanitary Seal McNess Champion Cake Bakers

The F.W. McNess website is provided entirely to share interesting, historical information. Traditional McNess home products are still available today, visit to learn more.